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“Building blocks” type capacity, the transformer has an “intelligent charging treasure”

2024-07-01 16:00:41

“The capacity increase device can share the load, equivalent to adding capacity to the transformer, and can also add additional capacity units to the device as necessary, just like ‘building blocks’.”

This “sharp tool” is called distribution transformer flexible capacity increase device, which is a flexible and convenient intelligent energy storage device developed by State Grid Hubei Electric Power in order to solve the difficulties of long construction time and high cost of capacity increase. The device can carry out intelligent charging and discharging according to the load of the transformer. If it is configured to the transformer connected with new energy, it can also fully absorb new energy to prevent the reverse overload of the transformer, which is of great significance to reduce the operation burden of the transformer and help the consumption of new energy.

“The air-conditioning load is large in summer, and adding capacity to transformers is the key to ensuring reliable power supply.” Li Zhe introduced that the newly developed capacity device is only the size of a “refrigerator”, which is essentially an “intelligent charging treasure”. When the supporting control system detects that the transformer load is large, the device will automatically assume part of the load. When the transformer load is small, the device enters the charging state, and it takes only one hour to fill.

It is key to meet the different transformer capacity requirements. According to the actual rated capacity of distribution transformers, the State Grid Hubei Electric Power analyzed the load situation of different transformers, and proposed a new method of “splicing” flexible capacity increase, which effectively solved the problem of transformer capacity matching.

It is understood that the minimum maternal capacity of the device is 100 KWH, each child unit device 50 KWH, on-site installation process, only need to splicing the child unit on the mother, can be splicing up to 3, can meet the 100 KWH to 250 KWH capacity needs.

Li Zhe said: “Large loads are generally only for a period of time, and the capacity increase method of replacing small transformers with large transformers in the past costs more, which may cause old transformers to be idle.” In the construction process, hoisting and pole operation are required, which is time-consuming and laborious. With the new device, it can be installed on the ground, reducing the installation time to one hour, and flexibly increasing the capacity of the device, which is convenient and safe.”

In addition to the capacity enhancement role, State Grid Hubei Power also actively expands the application scenario of the device, vigorously carries out off-grid independent operation technology, and provides important support for improving the level of power supply service. After many tests and control strategy optimization, they found that the capacity increase device has the ability to independently support the load when the transformer is disconnected from the power grid. If the device is independently loaded in power construction or maintenance scenarios, it can provide support for maintenance without power outage.

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