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Choose the transformer according to the use environment

2024-06-27 15:40:51

1, under normal medium conditions, oil immersed transformer or dry transformer can be selected according to the situation, such as industrial and mining enterprises, agricultural independent or attached substation, residential independent substation, etc. Available transformers are s8, s9, s10, sc (b) 9, sc (b) 10, etc.

2, in multi-storey or high-rise main buildings, it is appropriate to choose non-combustible or non-combustible transformers, such as sc (b) 9, sc (b) 10, scz (b) 9, scz (b) 10, etc.

3. In places where dust or corrosive gases seriously affect the safe operation of transformers, enclosed or sealed transformers should be selected, such as bs 9, s9 -, s10-, sh12-m, etc.

4, without flammable oil, high and low distribution devices and non-oil-immersed distribution transformers can be set in the same room, at this time the transformer should be equipped with ip2x protection housing for safety.

Dry transformer in the whole process of operation is also continuously carried out to improve its operation, dry transformer operation and operation is also continuously carried out fever, dry transformer body calories are also continuously increased, this time when the heat to achieve a certain level of the case you need to carry out cooling.

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