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Consequences Of Dry-Type Transformer Instability

2024-09-05 09:23:55

Users of power equipment know that dry-type transformers also have their own currents and voltages, and in general, these currents and voltages should be safe and stable.
Sometimes, when the dry-type transformer work and operation is intense, should consider whether the voltage of the dry-type transformer is stable. Once unstable, they will cause a huge failure of the dry transformer and cause the dry transformer to explode, and the dry-type transformer explosion, the situation is more dangerous and the consequences are unimaginable. Therefore, the consequences of voltage instability of dry transformers are relatively large, and today we will introduce the consequences of transformer instability.
Because dry-type transformers play such an important role, if there is voltage instability will have any serious consequences, in fact, there are mainly the following two effects:
1. When the voltage of the dry-type transformer is unstable, there will be an unbalanced current several times higher than the normal current, and the temperature of some metal parts of the equipment will rise sharply, leading to short circuit, and may directly burn the dry transformer. It increases the cost of maintaining power equipment and shortens the service life of equipment.
2. In production and life, the unstable voltage of the dry-type transformer makes the three single regulators run asymmetrical, resulting in an increase in dry transformer loss (no-load loss and load loss).
It has a serious effect on line losses. The voltage and current of dry transformer are unstable. At this point, no matter how the current is distributed to a single dry-type transformer, the unbalanced current distribution will be unbalanced. The greater the unbalanced current, the more serious the line loss.

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