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Do You Know What The Degree Of Power Transformer Housing Is?

2024-08-16 09:46:36

When the oil immersed transformer is fully loaded, the temperature rise of the oil top is 55K, and when the ambient temperature is 20 degrees, the temperature of the oil top is 75 degrees. The whole tank has about 20 degrees of temperature difference, that is, the lower part of the tank is 55 degrees, the middle part is 65 degrees, and the upper part is about 75 degrees. Oil immersed transformer winding temperature:

1, the winding of the general oil-immersed power transformer, relative to the temperature rise of the air around the transformer, the internal control standard is 65K, which refers to the average temperature rise of the winding, rather than the most hot temperature rise, and is considered according to A class insulation class (105 degrees). However, in general, the transformer design will be controlled below 65K.

2, China’s transformer standards stipulate that the highest annual average ambient temperature is 20 degrees, the highest monthly average temperature is 30 degrees, and the highest temperature is 40 degrees.

3, winding temperature, under normal circumstances, the user can not be detected. But the temperature at the top of the oil is detectable. Therefore, in the transformer factory, the temperature rise of the top layer of oil is specified, and the editing analysis of construction machinery is 55K. Of course, it will also be controlled below 55K when designing and manufacturing. And in this case, the winding temperature rise does not exceed 65K.

4. Therefore, the operating department stipulates that no matter how much the ambient temperature is, the top temperature of the transformer oil cannot exceed 85 degrees. This can ensure that the most hot spot temperature of the transformer winding does not exceed 98 degrees. The average winding temperature does not exceed 85 degrees. In this case the transformer life is 20 years.

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