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Dry-type transformer power

2024-07-17 08:55:50

Dry-type transformer is a kind of high-power electrical appliance, and dry-type transformer is also a kind of complex high-power electrical appliance, and the power circuit is also more complex

It has the operating voltage and current of its resistor and the key performance of the overall index and the main use. The types of resistors of dry transformers are compared

Many, one is the characteristic impedance of the resistor.

One: To define the short-circuit impedance is the resistor generated by the electrical short-circuit, such as the vortex.

() The short-circuit impedance of a dry-type transformer refers to the middle of a pair of winding terminals in a certain winding at the rated operating frequency and reference temperature

The equivalent circuit series characteristic impedance Zk=Rk+K. Because its value in addition to calculation, but also need to be clear according to the load experiment, so habitually

It is also referred to as the short-circuit fault operating voltage or the characteristic impedance operating voltage.

(2) Short-circuit impedance is a very important new item in the performance parameters of dry transformers, and the error between the measured value and the standard value at the factory is strictly stipulated.

Dry-type transformer short-circuit impedance size Hazards to dry-type transformer operation Dry-type transformer short-circuit impedance also characteristic impedance operating voltage, in dry-type transformer

The field of transducers is defined as follows: when the dry-type transformer is short-circuited fault (stable) with secondary winding, the primary winding of the commodity flow will increase the work of the constant voltage

Voltage Your characteristic impedance operating voltage Uz. Usually Uz is expressed as a percentage of the rated current, that is uz=(UZU1)*100% when the dry transformer is fully loaded

When used, the number of short-circuit impedance has a certain harm to the level of the output voltage of the secondary side, the short-circuit impedance is small, the current is small, the short-circuit impedance is large, and the voltage drop

Large. When the short-circuit fault occurs in the dry-type transformer load, the short-circuit impedance is small, the short-circuit capacity is large, and the power of the dry-type transformer arm is large. Short-circuit impedance

Large, short circuit capacity is small, dry transformer arm power zone is small.

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