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How To Take Oil Sample For Oil-Immersed Transformer?

2024-08-26 10:30:00

Oil-immersed transformers, due to their high cost performance, long service life, simple maintenance and other characteristics, are still the absolute main product in the transformer product category.

However, the main disadvantage of oil-immersed transformers is that when the service life is longer, the transformer oil will also age. Consequently, the insulation strength is reduced. Therefore, according to the service life characteristics of the transformer, we need to regularly take oil samples for testing to determine whether the transformer can continue to serve under the condition of ensuring safety. So how to quickly and safely take the transformer oil sample?

There is an oil sample valve at the bottom of the transformer, which is specially used for taking oil samples. Take the cover off first, there’s a drain plug inside, and slowly turn it out, make sure it’s slow. When the oil comes out, catch it with the oil bottle, and generally take about 150ml of the oil sample.

The oil sample should be taken out in a special brown glass bottle to prevent oxidation from breaking down other gases. Resulting in inaccurate laboratory results.

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