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How to judge the temperature change of the transformer?

2024-06-18 16:50:32

The temperature change of transformer is one of the important indexes to judge its running state. The following are some common ways to determine the temperature change of a transformer:

1. Thermometer measurement: Using a thermometer to directly measure the temperature of the transformer is a common method. Usually, a thermometer is installed on the shell of the transformer, which can monitor the temperature change of the transformer in real time. According to the reading of the thermometer, you can determine whether the transformer is too hot or too cold.

2. Infrared thermal imager: Infrared thermal imager can measure the surface temperature by detecting the infrared radiation emitted by the object. The temperature distribution of each part of the transformer can be quickly scanned and displayed by pointing the infrared thermal imager at the transformer. By observing the image of the infrared thermal imager, it can be determined whether there is a hot spot or an abnormally high temperature area in the transformer.

3. Oil level observation: The insulating oil inside the transformer is an important part of heat dissipation and insulation. By observing the oil level in the transformer tank, the temperature change of the transformer can be judged indirectly. When the transformer temperature rises, insulation oil will expand, resulting in oil level rise; Conversely, when the temperature drops, the oil level drops. Therefore, regularly checking the change of the oil level can help judge the temperature change of the transformer.

4. Cooling system monitoring: Transformers are usually equipped with cooling systems to control the temperature of the transformer. By monitoring the operating state of the cooling system, the temperature change of the transformer can be judged. For example, check whether the cooling fan is operating normally, and whether the cooling water flow is normal. If the cooling system fails or is abnormal, it may cause the transformer temperature to rise.

5. Sound monitoring: the transformer will produce a certain amount of noise during operation. By monitoring the sound of the transformer, the temperature change can be preliminarily judged. When the transformer temperature rises, it may produce an abnormal buzzing or hissing sound. Therefore, regular monitoring of the transformer’s sound can help detect temperature anomalies in time.

It should be noted that the above method is only a preliminary method to determine the temperature change of the transformer. If the temperature is abnormal or there are other problems, professionals should be contacted in time for overhaul and maintenance.

oil immersed transformer

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