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How to reduce the loss of power transformers?

2024-07-23 13:53:13

Dry power transformer, we know is currently used very widely a kind of transformer, in many occasions have its wide use, it is a very important transformation equipment in the power system, however, do not neglect is that it is also a large energy consumer, its loss occupies half of the entire network loss, thus, the loss of the transformer. So, how can we reduce the energy consumption of dry transformers? Let’s break it down.

On the one hand, the data loss of the transformer should be reduced. Silicon steel sheet, steel, insulation data, electromagnetic wire, transformer oil, etc., are all necessary data for transformers, which consume a lot of power, and the saving of these data directly saves power.

On the other hand, the loss of the transformer is reduced. The loss of transformer includes no-load loss and load loss. In order to reduce the load loss, it is necessary to use more copper materials or use transposition wires and other methods; In order to reduce no-load loss, choose to reduce magnetic density, use silicon steel sheets or choose good silicon steel sheets, etc., so that the production cost of the transformer is added, and the corresponding sales price is also added, which must consider how long the money needs to be spent to recover the operation, the storage gas inside the transformer is divided into two parts: One part is the internal insulation parts of the transformer body and the gas storage in the coil, the other part is the gas storage in the transformer accessories, including the radiator, oil purifier, pressure release valve, oil storage tank, etc. When the transformer body is vacuumed, their space and the transformer body block each other. Therefore, it is necessary to exhaust the transformer after vacuum oil injection and oil replenishment, and exhaust is a very important operation. The specific method is: “first down and then up, blocking the tank and draining respectively.”

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