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How to tell if the transformer is broken?

2024-06-25 09:12:16

Transformer plays an important role in power system, and its stable operation is very important to ensure the continuity and stability of power supply. However, due to various reasons, transformers may fail during use. This article will discuss in detail how to determine whether the transformer is broken, and the corresponding detection methods and steps.

First, the basic working principle of the transformer

Before discussing how to determine whether a transformer is broken, we first need to understand the basic working principle of the transformer. Transformer is mainly composed of iron core and coil, through the principle of electromagnetic induction to achieve voltage transformation. When an alternating current passes through the primary coil, it creates an alternating magnetic flux in the core, which in turn induces an electromotive force in the secondary coil, thereby increasing or decreasing the voltage.

Second, the common performance of transformer failure

When a transformer fails, it often shows some obvious symptoms. For example, a transformer may make an abnormal sound, which is caused by a loose iron core or a short circuit in the coil. In addition, the transformer may also appear high oil temperature, abnormal oil level, leakage of oil and other phenomena. These fault performance can be used as an important basis for us to judge whether the transformer is broken.

Third, determine whether the transformer is broken

Appearance inspection: First of all, we can judge whether the transformer is broken by appearance inspection. Check the shell of the transformer for obvious damage, deformation or corrosion. At the same time, check whether the terminal of the transformer is loose, fallen off or burned.

Sound judgment: When the transformer is in normal operation, the sound it emits should be uniform and low. If you hear abnormal sounds from the transformer, such as sharp whistling, crackling, etc., it may mean that there is a fault inside the transformer.

Oil temperature detection: The high oil temperature of the transformer may be caused by internal failure. Therefore, we can detect the oil temperature of the transformer to determine whether it is broken. Generally speaking, the oil temperature of the transformer should fluctuate within the normal range. If the oil temperature continues to rise and exceeds the normal range, then it is necessary to further check whether the transformer is faulty.

Insulation resistance measurement: insulation resistance is an important indicator to reflect the insulation performance of the transformer. By using measuring tools such as megohm meters, we can measure the insulation resistance value of the transformer. If the measurement results are below the normal range, it may mean that the insulation performance of the transformer has been damaged and needs further inspection and treatment.

Electrical tests: In order to further confirm the type and severity of the transformer fault, we can also carry out a series of electrical tests. For example, through no-load test and short circuit test can detect the transformer’s iron core and coil fault; The voltage test can test whether the insulation performance of the transformer meets the requirements.

Fourth, transformer failure treatment measures

Once the transformer is found to be faulty, we need to take appropriate measures in time. First, the power supply of the faulty transformer should be cut off to prevent further expansion of the fault. Then, according to the fault type and severity of the corresponding maintenance plan. For some serious failures, it may be necessary to replace damaged components or the entire transformer.

In short, judging whether the transformer is broken needs to consider multiple factors. By means of appearance inspection, sound judgment, oil temperature detection, insulation resistance measurement and electrical testing, we can conduct a comprehensive assessment of the operating state of the transformer, so as to discover and deal with potential faults in time. At the same time, we also need to master the common types and handling methods of transformer failures, so that we can react quickly when a failure occurs to ensure the safe and stable operation of the power system.

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