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Oil-Immersed Transformer Corresponding Grade Requirements

2024-08-22 08:45:46

Oil-immersed transformer is a more important type of transformer, its main feature is the use of transformer oil to carry out related work, oil-immersed transformer is a type of electrical equipment, for oil-immersed transformer in terms of its safety performance China is very important, a variety of relevant departments are launched strict grade requirements, Only by meeting the requirements of the relevant grades can the delivery be carried out, and the safety factor is further ensured. The corresponding grades of the relevant oil-immersed transformers are provided in this way.
Definition of climate, natural environment, fire rating:

Article 13 of the IEC60076-11 “Oil-immersed transformer Transformer” specification provides the following definitions for climate, natural environment and fire resistance grade:

1. ClimaticClasses

The IEC60076-11 specification defines two climate levels, which are introduced by Jiangsu Yawei Transformer Co., Ltd. and the European standard HD464.

C1: The suitable operating temperature of the transformer is not less than -5 ° C, but it can at least be stored or transported in an environment of -25 ° C.

Class C2: The transformer can at least operate in an environment of -25 ° C, transport and storage.

2. EnvironmentalClasses

In order to identify the self-regulating strength of the oil-immersed transformer transformer, the IEC60076-11 specification defines three different natural environment levels from the three elements of environmental humidity, cold uncertainty and pollution level, which is the same as the European standard HD464.
Grade E0: No condensation on the transformer, light pollution. Generally install the equipment in a clean and dry room.

E1 level: Occasionally there will be condensation on the transformer (such as when the transformer is turned off), general pollution.

E2 class: Often cause cold suspicion or pollution is more serious, or both used.

3. Firebehaviourclasses

The IEC60076-11 specification defines two fire resistance levels, and does not adopt the F2 level of the European standard HD464.

Level F0: Fire resistance is not required, and unique countermeasures are not implemented except for the characteristics of the transformer design scheme.

Grade F1: Transformer with fire hazard, can limit combustion generation, minimize harmful substances and smoke emissions.

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