① Dust and corrosive gases are strictly prohibited around the transformer.
② The transformer room must be a brick wall, and wooden building materials must not be used as a wall. The roof is also not allowed to use wood, linoleum building materials.
The transformer room door should be made of metal and open outwards, and the words “high voltage danger” should be written outside the door. Door with iron lock, iron lock to take waterproof measures (such as plastic wrap).
④ For transformers of 6 ~ 10kV, 800kVA and above, there should be an oil storage pit below the transformer, and the pit should be paved with pebbles, and the ground should be slightly inclined towards the pit side.
⑤ There should be ventilation channels below the transformer room door side, and ventilation holes should be installed on the high wall.
⑥ The transformer room should be equipped with lighting.
⑦ The roof of the transformer room should be equipped with a hanging ring for the transformer core.
⑧ The transformer room must be clean, and other items (especially flammable and explosive items) must not be stacked.