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Structural requirements for amorphous alloy power transformers

2024-06-24 15:07:56

Amorphous alloy transformer is a kind of power transformer with low loss and high energy efficiency. This kind of transformer uses iron-based amorphous metal as the iron core, because the material does not have a long-range ordered structure, its magnetization and demagnetization are easier than general magnetic materials. Therefore, the iron loss (that is, no-load loss) of the amorphous alloy power transformer is 70-80% lower than that of the traditional transformer that generally uses silicon steel as the iron core. Amorphous alloy is a new type of strip, amorphous alloy material does not exist crystal structure, magnetizing power is small, high resistivity, so eddy current loss is small, using this material as the core can produce a new energy-saving amorphous alloy transformer, is the ideal product for the replacement of distribution network.
The structural requirements for amorphous alloy power transformers are as follows:
1, the structure should be safe and reliable, easy to install, easy to maintain, and should be able to withstand the mechanical, electrical and thermal stress in the standard material composition.
2, winding material: high voltage winding is wound with copper wire or copper foil, low voltage winding is wound with copper foil.
3, iron core: the use of soft magnetic characteristics of amorphous alloy strip.
4, core structure: three-phase three columns or three-phase five columns.
5, the cabinet should use strong Angle steel as support.
6. All non-current carrying parts such as the shell and support frame should be connected together and grounded through the ground bus.
7, high and low pressure inlet and outlet line:
(1) High voltage cable into the line, the protection shell is required to be equipped with cable support; (2) The low voltage side of the transformer adopts the plug type dense busbar slot.
Amorphous alloy power transformer is a kind of energy-saving transformer, compared with ordinary transformers, amorphous alloy power transformer has the advantages of low no-load loss, low cost, high efficiency, convenient transportation and simple installation. Therefore, in the design process of amorphous alloy power transformer, ensuring no-load loss value and improving the working effect are important core issues. Moreover, when purchasing, in addition to considering that the core of the amorphous alloy power transformer product is not affected by external forces, it is necessary to accurately calculate the reasonable choice of amorphous alloy characteristic parameters.

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