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There are three main reasons why transformer water is damp?

2024-07-22 16:12:43

When we use transformers, Zhenhua Xiaobian reminds you to pay attention to avoid accidents. Transformer water moisture is also an important part of transformer accidents and burning, many transformers are flooded or continue to operate, so the safety of the power system poses a threat. The reason why the transformer is simply flooded has the following aspects:
1. Poor seal of casing top connecting cap.
When the sealing of the connecting cap is not good, the water enters the winding insulation along the lead wire, causing a breakdown accident. The main reasons for the poor sealing of casing end are unreasonable structure and incorrect rubber pad device.
2. Damp during maintenance
When the transformer hood is repaired, the body is exposed to the atmosphere. When the relative humidity of the air is large, the insulation will absorb the moisture in the air. This process begins with the surface insulation, the greater the relative humidity, the longer the time, the deeper the water will be soaked.
Three, cooler brass tube burst
According to the rules, the cooler should do a leak test before the installation in order to detect the rupture defect of the cooler. Otherwise it may lead to insulation breakdown accident. For example: a 150MVA, 110KV power transformer, in the operation of light and heavy gas protection action trip, explosion-proof simple injection oil. After suspension inspection, the lower part of the A-phase high voltage winding was burned out in 24 segments, there were 4 short circuits, and the hole of the two fuses reached 100mm, which was caused by the copper tube of the cooler breaking and the water entering the transformer.
The water in the distribution main is affected by moisture, which greatly damages the electrical function and physical and chemical function of the insulating medium. The existence of water will damage the insulation strength of the oil, and it also has a corrosive effect on copper, iron and other metals, so when the transformer transformer water should be treated in time
Therefore, we must pay attention to the use of transformers. Also in the purchase of transformers can not blindly look at the price.

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