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What Are The Forms Of Transformer Leakage?

2024-08-30 09:57:36

Transformer leakage often causes serious consequences, there are two main reasons for transformer leakage: one is latent in the design and manufacturing process of the transformer; On the other hand, due to improper transformer installation and maintenance. Transformers, as the main leakage problem site, can often appear in radiator interfaces, flat butterfly valve caps, bushings, porcelain bottles, welds, sand holes, flanges, etc.

Transformer leakage forms are generally the following:

1, oil welding leakage: the welding quality is mainly poor, there is a virtual welding, welding, pinhole, welding defects such as blisters. When the transformer leaves the factory, it is covered by welding flux and paint, and the hidden danger will be exposed after operation. In addition, the enterprise will make us weld cracking due to the absence of electromagnetic environmental vibration, causing leakage.

2, sealing oil leakage: the reason for the poor seal, usually the sealing of the box edge and the box cover is sealed with oil-resistant rubber sticks or rubber pads, if the joint is not handled well, it will cause oil leakage failure, some with plastic tape binding, and some directly press the two ends together, due to the rolling during the installation process, the interface can not be pressed firmly, can not be sealed, and still leak oil.

3, flange connection oil leakage: the surface of the flange is uneven, fastening bolts loose, in the installation process is incorrect, bolt fastening is not good, resulting in oil leakage.

4, cast iron leakage oil: the problem of leakage oil is mainly caused by the development of sand holes and cracks in cast iron.

5, oil with threaded bolts or pipe leakage: roughing equipment, poor sealing, transformer for a period of time to produce oil leakage after the failure of the seal.

6, radiator leakage oil: radiator heat pipe technology is usually made of slotted steel pipe flattened by stamping material in the heat pipe can bend part and control welding components often produce leakage oil, which is because we are stamping heat pipe in our country, the outer wall of the tube is under tension, its inner wall is under pressure, there are some residual stress caused by the effect.

7, porcelain bottles and glass oil leakage: usually due to improper installation or seal failure.

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