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What If The Transformer Is Dry?

2024-08-31 16:18:20

Transformer operation for a period of time inside will become very dry, just like the human body water shortage. Therefore, at this time, it is necessary to replenish the transformer oil in time, that is, transformer oil. This will ensure the normal operation of the transformer. Some may ask what is the lack of oil drying? Because there is transformer oil in every transformer, not only in oil-immersed transformers, but also in other transformers. Transformer oil is to ensure that the transformer itself in the normal transmission voltage, on the other hand, transformer oil is also to supply energy to the transformer, just like people hungry to give him to eat, transformer “hungry” to deliver transformer oil to it. So the following Xiaobian will mainly introduce it to you.
Since the transformer generally needs a long time to be repaired after the short-circuit impact, in order to prevent the transformer from being damp, two measures can be taken: Put the transformer under cover before finishing work every day, and use a vacuum pump to vacuum the transformer to remove the free water on the surface of the transformer body. When starting work the next day, use dry nitrogen or dry air to remove the vacuum. Generally, the transformer can be put into operation directly after 24 hours of hot oil circulation after maintenance; After the work is finished every day, the transformer is taken rainproof measures, and after the work is completed, the transformer is dried by hot oil spray method, which generally takes 7-10 days.
In addition, after the transformer short-circuit fault occurs, in addition to testing the transformer according to conventional items, it should focus on the transformer oil, gas in the gas relay, winding DC resistance, winding capacitance, winding deformation measurement test results to determine and analyze the nature of the fault, and check the winding deformation, iron core and clamp displacement and loosening. Then determine the treatment plan of the transformer and the preventive measures to be taken. When the winding is seriously deformed due to the transformer short-circuit fault and needs to be replaced, attention should be paid to the reloading of the iron core chip, the drying of all the insulation parts, the treatment of the transformer oil and the overall drying of the transformer.
So we should know the role of transformer oil? You can pay attention to the transformer factory for more knowledge. In this way, we have this knowledge, and some simple small problems of the transformer can be solved by themselves, and there is no need to spend unnecessary money and let others repair the transformer.

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